yeah, i've been not updating for ages! ohmy.
i bet there's no one gonna be bother reading my blog.
ithink i'mma gg to delete this blog. heheheh!
My life are packed with work, friends, family and games. hahahaha!
my beloved bro will be serving the country in few more days! take care ah bro^^
i'm so gonna miss him baby.
bro's lover and also my lover have been sleeping over my place.
Girls one side, boys one side. hahaha!
eventually, i miggle well with bro's girlf, fatyn!^^
boyf and me have been low profile in our relationship. This month is going to be our 4th month (: ily honeybunny!
time really flies so fast. hahaha!
i'm graduate soon late this year! okay best.
i've been staying at home due to this god damn PS3! killed my boredom.
i've been addicted to this ps3 game that my bro downloaded. similiar as sims like that but different abit. hahaha!
yeah, p3s is not bad afterall but whats suck is there's only boys games-.=
soccer and some shooting games-.-
okat thats all.
take care.
what we could have been, 11:57 PM.